sesegar embun daun, senyaman udara hutan. sepuas berak pagi.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

6,099 US Dollar = 19,117.0 Malaysian Ringgit

Bach 50T3 Stradivarius Series Bass Trombone

kencang gile babi la kalau dapat
sesiapa ada USD $6,099.00
nanti beli bagi hadiah B'day next year

adios !

Thursday, November 18, 2010

ahhh ~
at last, i've entered the "sux family relation" process
it's not that my family sux. it's me.

while i was young,
i've always heard about people left their family
for the sake of their works, job, hobby bla.. bla. bla..

i always condemned those who did that
i felt like it was a family dis-obey

but, i never thought that someday i'll face it anyway

it's not like what i think before
there's some kind of possession
that make us forget our important ones

attracted to what the future will serve
and leaving the family behind.
haih ~ i do sux.

i've forgot my words,
i didn't fulfill my promise.
but, i'll try to be better next time.

to my family, brother, sister, my friends
i'm sorry for not becoming a good person

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

my spider sense is tingling

we waste our life just to find an answer
while we foget that
islam has provide everything
we learn to put barriers
separating us from the sins
dividing a line between man and woman
so that
we're far from the fiery hell
as for me
i set a restraint to my heart
block my eyes
shut my mouth
deafen my ears
to make sure
i didn't do anything stupid
rushing things
thinking with my knees
stabbing my friends
and make a choise, that i will regret it
!!! forever !!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

raya painted with blood

this year raya was okay
hope next year would be better
no baju raya
no kasut raya
lesser duet raya
nothings was prepared
but it's fine. it's tradition
quite disappointed
didn't manage to reach n.sembilan
hanging out with friends
visit their houses
i do want to visit my sister !
regret is what i fear the most
it kills our heart and block our mind
.selamat hari raya.
maafkan daku atas dosa-dosa lampau

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

holy wars.

which one is the hardest.
Hye or Bye ??? (both actually)

the process of knowing him was quite fast.
extremely faster than anyone else.
but with some help of course. thanx.

after watching mpo's tea party performance.
it was the first time we meet.
akward. he's an englishman.
but thank god we're got the same height. wohoo !!!

i got the opportunity to tour into the mpo's.
great musical environment there.
then, a.mus came out with his borrowing question.
tadaaa ~ i'm now holding a 15k trombone.

it's a heavy duty i told you. criusly, heavy.
but the experience was priceless.
it's a double thayer valve bass trombone. unlacquered.
requires an exreme strength.
honestly, i can't handle it well at sibf. sorry.

my colleague and i had some masterclass like session together.
he's a good mind drawer. giving ideas out of nowhere.
effective indeed. giving us so many to discover.
light the spirit in us. hence, improves the way we think.

had some dinner with him. he ate a lot !
had some chat. but with bad give and take.
i misunderstood him and vice versa. hahaha.
but the point is, he talk very fast dude. i'm lost ???

one fine day. a.mus got a private class with him.
he taught us to think by giving the main idea.
the best part is. he showed us his air-pressure toy.
it was really a mind opening toy.
focusing on how bad our air pressure is. hahaha.

the trombone and i are officially done.
i had to return it back to him.
when you're had been attached to something.
then you will know the pain of saying goodbye.

while i was having a diner.
i got a call from a.mus. sending me a good news.
"rizqin, moutchpiece tuh. die kasi free jer"
and i was like. omg omg omg omg omg !!! (radja selai)
i'm immediately called him to say thank you.

he told me that it was a farewell gift for me.
he will be leaving malaysia to be at his country. sweeden.
damn ~

the meeting was too short.
i didn't manage to even get a class with him.
huaih ~
he told me to have faith.
practise hard to be a good trombone player.
he really encourage me to be better.

"he's my target. he's johann wiklund"

Monday, August 30, 2010

the memory remains

event occurs everyday. plenty of good and bad stuff.
but only few, that reached me, thus triggers the sense to write.

some said :
"starts your day with a smile"

exam theory agak hancur. lapar puasa.
practise hari ini amat pancit. duet sengkek.
bosan dengan makanan berbuka yang agak tipikal.

senyuman biasa x mampu menangani aura gelap hari ini.
oleh itu, latihan tamat dengan segera. disusuli rehat panjang.

tema pada ketika itu: buntu
berbual kosong. berjalan tanpa bergerak.
berfikir menggunakan kaki. tiada cadence ditemui.

sedang asyik melayari bahtera. gegaran melanda.
petanda dari sang raksasa, melaungkan berita gembira.
langit bertukar cerah. jalan semakin lebar.
minda ku lapang. hati ku bahagia.

terbaek !!! ade orng nak blanje berbuka :)
sate kajang bhai ~ hahaha.

proses reserve meja berjalan lancar.
(ade gak clashing. tpi yana tunjuk fist die)
settle masalah !!!
then balek. tido kejap. mandi. baru bergerak.
masuk kedai ikut pintu belakang. amat sopan.
pakaian mengikut keadaan semasa.

at first, x dpt cam diorng mane ?
maybe sbb appearance laen.
diyan baju besar, so cover boroi. hahaha.
nini nampak lebih "baik" dari bayangan ak.
anim ak buntu tgk die x tau pesal ???
man sudah sedia kurus.
saya semakin kurus ???

hidangan agak banyak. mcm x habes pon ade.
mula2 ingt nak bersopan la konon.
tpi paham2 je r. dan satay makin berkurangan.
happy dowh.

keadaan x terkawal. mulut bertitah lancang.
give and take yang baik.
bisinglah kedai tu. sume pandang2 je.
tau man hensem. hahaha.
satay semakin surut...

sambung berbicara. x sedar keliling da kosong.
satay da kosong. kuah habis. (kot ?) licin.
man di tempat pertama. mencatat lidi terbanyak.
x perlu makan banyak.
tngok kawan makan da cukup mengenyangkan rohani.

bungkus2. smayang.
then hantar datin2 ke bus stop.
perjalanan mereka amat menyayat hati.
ceruk kan ? nak bwt ape je. hahaha.

sedang bergembira tadi. ada sedikit kekosongan.
kurang beberapa orang rakan. masa yang singkat.
tapi semua itu x menghalang perasaan gembira.
lama x sembang bangang2. kutuk2. mungkin over r.
maaf ~
saya tahu saya salah. salah hati yg sangat gembira.

sebuah penutup yang amat baik untuk hari ini.
amat terharu. boleh menitis air mata.
thanx !!!

dan lagi satu. man cakap betol dowh.
kita mcm adek bradek. ko tua la of course.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

we shall not lose to maturity.

post yg ni agak panjang. ak tnggu from 1st time bwt blog.
until now... sume ni x follow time line. serentak kot ?

bermula dengan perasaan happy. SPM da habes.
ditambah dengan rencah kehidupan yg rasa mcm rojak.
diakhiri dengan satu langkah menuju ke hadapan.

this time line does hit me badly.

the last jamming session. sume ingt mcm tuh.
tpi mmg banyak r susulan after tuh senaan.
sremban is like my 2nd home. act rumah goh.
so mmg selalu gak r jamm. bdk2 n9 mmg best !!!
mandi sg. dduk dlm kete time ak drive.
lepak2 mcm x de ending. thnx for the memory guys.

bosan2 dduk umah. cari keje. last2 dpt r kfc.
it does feels like family. korng x kn tau kalau x keje.
selama kerja. bnyak memori bangang melanda.
tapi best r for sure. ak tau bahasa orng asli bhai ~
4 bulan cukup ntuk faham mmbe sane.
time nak brenti adlh time yg paling susa !!!

time ni jgak. start with an ordinary friend request.
continued with a lazy opprove.
diikuti dengan soalan biasa.
then ditambah dengan soalan bodoh depan RTM.
dilayan dengan muka yg sepatutnya.
ditambah dengan kutuk2. dan maaf.
tadaaa ~ ak ade beberapa mmbe pmpuan.
( ak tau ak kodi. 1st time kot. hahaha )
for the 1st time. ak pjuk orng.
thnx !!! atas nasihat yg diterima.

survival paling gempak pon time ni r.
cadang nk tido masjid. last2 dapat hotel !
wtf ??? tpi mmg grand r.
jalan2 kat area bb mlm2.
shisha kat rooftop. beli coke tpi x leh bwk masuk.
tido 10 orng 2 katil. ade kejadian sket r.
but still in control. sorry for the blanket.

.genting highland. speechless jap. blank ???
one word. kejam.
-ak broke hati best friend ak.
-bertindak kejam di snow world.
-ak broke kat sane gak.
( baru phm pesal mak ak ckp duet tu dlm bentuk cecair)
-moment killer. those andrenaline rush worth nothing.
even x naek cockscrew. sumpah rasa dah naek.
feeling time tuh x tau nak rasa ap ???
but the best part. i've learn something.
many act. it does glued to my brain.
no worry.

disebabkan masa senggang yg melambak.
ak mula mencari rakan2 yg lost contact stelah sekian lama.
best friend gile babi time skola rendah. but down seyh.
mcm ak je yg excited sorng2. fine. ak faham.
ade gak yg act laen mcm. niat ak hanya untuk membantu.
ntah cmne bole confess lak kt ak ? terdesak gamaknye.
at least terisi la sket life nih. after ade yg pergi.

time kerja kfc. terjumpa balek mmbe lama.
rasa guilty. die kenal ak. tpi ak x de memo psal die.
yg terbaiknya. die ni link ntuk lost friend ak yg laen.
at last jumpa lgi stu best friend ak. act die ade secret.
kononnye. die power maen gtar.
mcm terasa r die x pernah ckp kt ak. maybe die nak privacy ???
reason die. ak dulu mane minat music. hot wheels je keje.
thnx sbb ingt !!!

disebabkan lama rasa sembab je kt umah.
den jadi ketagih pada andrenaline rush.
the faster we go. the higher we will get.
motorsikal menjadi mainan. tpi x de r up mane.
ex5 je pon. but packed with memory.
kemalangan menjadi bahan tawa.
bengkel moto da jadi mcm mamak.
lepak2. blaja r sket2 psal moto.
bfore this bole kate buta moto r.
thnx anak ustad kerana mmbawa saya ke sana.

orng tau ak maen gtar. tpi orng x tau yg ak noob.
sume ingt ak pernah perform gig. sbb bermuka pakcik.
the truth is. even drummer pon bole bwt ak sujud.
ak dengan humblenya menuntut ilmu.
mnyerap bagai spongebob. bermain ala2 squidward.
but still sengal mcm patrick star.
first time follow diorng jam. kagum gile babi.
ak duduk je dkt ceruk dinding. naseb ad mmbe kt ceruk tu.

terlalu banyak memori. terlalu sikit ruang.
x bermaksud ak lupa. just tersimpan.
menunggu masa ntuk dibuka kembali.

"sampai bila la kita bole bwt mcm ni ?"

antara soalan yg sukar ditelan. aptah lagi ntuk djawb.
hidup seakan2 tiada hari esok.
bukan x sedar. just appreciating every moment.

as i look at all the realtionship around me.

  • some had gone through forever
  • some that were re-ignited
  • and some had just begun
i realised how lucky i'am. to walk through this life.
with you guys.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

BLACK tears !!!

yeah baby yeah !!!

1st of all. my family do rock the world

atuk. nenek. mak. ayah. machik. pachik

korng mmg terbaek !!! hahaha.

so tadi tanpa ad hint ap2.

ktorng satu fam bergerak ke kg halaman. ( 5 min je ) haha

sampai2 je. masuk umah. ak blank jap ???

whoaaa ~

"nak masuk blaja pon ade farewell ke ?" hahaha

so tadi ade r doa2. makan2. sembang2. kenyang then senyap.

sume perut besa je. hahaha. kiddin'...

tdi tu chill je r. x de r grand mane. bkn ade orng laen.

family semata2. precious weih. hahaha

kecik. rilax. but extremely meaningfull

tenkiu. sumpah terharu.
tpi mcm biase r kan. x kan nak tunjuk depan. hahaha

Sunday, June 20, 2010

cause you hate yourself

best woo lagu nih. try r
tpi kecoh2 r manjang. hahaha
metal mmg superb. berat2. gemuk2
mmg semput r
tuka angin pon sodap ~

skrng nih melayan lagu2 yg ringan2. lawak2
lbey krng la. kot ? agaknye ?

tadaaa ~
ak jamin x ramai yg pernah dengar
kalo sape prnh nmpak tu pon kire ok r
bnde ni mcm rare nak mati. limited lak tuh
content die pon agak susa nk telan kalo x biase
kot la ??? hahaha
walau apa pun
ni la yg selalu didendangkan kt umah
bilik.dapur.ruang tamu.tandas maybe ?
best weih lagu2 dlm nih
ringan.catchy.lawak.x phm.blank2 jap
sume ade r
kecoh dh sure r. africa la katekan
time world cup. 90-min horn blowing non-stop
ade yg kate den ni universal
sbb dengar lagu2 nih
x bagus !
genre yg ak minat mcm pelik gak r
bkn pe. sbb sume mcm x de kaitan
classical.metal.jamaican music ?
x de kaitan langsung kan ???
(accept for one song la. jay sean - down )
kalo dengar je lagu tuh. plus with makhluk tuh
tuhan je r tau ap jadi
orng tanye gak r kan
"wei. pehal la ko minat lagu nih ? biase je"
geak je r dengar
lagu2 ni best for its music of course la
tpi history behind jamaican music ni yg tarik ak nak dengar
bayangkan pulau jamaica yg kecik tuh
bole bawak revolution pada world music
mmg tabik r.
just bile kaji2 mcm ade kaitan ngan freemason
but amek yg jernih buang yg keruh r
beware dude ~
nie sume genre yg direvolusikan
mmg gempak r
dlm booklet nih ade 4 cd
so mmg puas hati r
lagu2 yg hit r kononnye. haha
1.oh carolina -folkes brothers
2.miss jamaica - jimmy cliff
3.simmer down - the wailers
give it a try
cheers ~

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


kadang2. blank jgak.
resah datang tiba-tiba.
x de masalah pape. but still bercelaru.
ramai orng sekeliling.
tpi x de hasil ???

hidup dengan kepercayaan sendiri.
maybe dulu tu yg terbaik.
tpi tu zaman kemuncak.
zaman yg semua bnde nampak sihat.

tpi bile sampai satu masa.
tiang yang dipaut makin rapuh.
maka hanyut lah dlm minda sendiri.
"ikan pon kdg2 gigit pada rumpai untuk tidak hanyut"

jangan percaya apa2. mcm x betul r ???
bagi ruang untuk fahaman baru.
then baru judge. arghhh !!! merepek.

it's hard to get. but,
You have to let your body sleep to let your soul live on

Thursday, May 6, 2010

welcome home (sanitarium)

unable to send the right message
a single smile as a sign of agreement

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


a good friend of mine once spoken...
questioning about :
  • what will people think if we wear this ???
  • what will the society thought of us by doing this ???
  • what will the whole world judge us if we talkin' like this ???

my opinion.


living with other people standard is sux !

be your self . by yourself . stay away from me